Mic Check ...

Mic Check ...

This may have some spelling errors; I'm trying to get back into a rhythm, so naturally the first few may be a bit rocky ... but I think I can ... I think I can ... I think I can ... How ya been?

It's been a minute, but I'm back!

Lots of updates to get to ... as well as plans for the future; I'm gonna try to publish this damn thing every week!!!

How can I even think to do that ?!?

I got a job!

And it's one that I like. I'm a web-developer at the University of Minnesota's Institute for Social Research & Data Innovation.

Consistency, I've never really known it financially; and it's giving me wings!

So that's how ...

What's the content gonna be?

I'll try to hit some highlights; do a Weekly Top 5 News segment, local/national/global; will likely include a few videos like the following:

Just a great overview of what's happening with Congress & the debt ceiling.

TL;DR ~ Republicans are being bullies, and are trying to remove Green Energy tax-breaks, student loan forgiveness and a bit more ... typical, imo.

Though a great segue into another topic I'll look to cover, which is investing and retirement planning ... I'm currently contemplating a script for a video on what to do when starts to make money ~

Which leads into conversations about all of the side-projects that I'm building into products ... DigiSnaxx, Rebel Coding, idioke & Manifesting Empathy, to be specific.

Which leads to conversations about what is happening in tech, VC investment and the overall economy ... etc.

I'll hopefully be finishing my degree next year; Econ, Stats and Communication.

OMG ~ I finally released music!!!


I recorded and mixed the entire thing myself; and honestly, from what I've heard from others, it's not horrible ~ ergo I call it my cover letter to the industry.

Hmmm, what else ..?

There's a garden plot I'll be growing in this year, while the idea is to start micro-greens in the apartment sooner than later.

Ok, so honestly, my focus these days is going to be on generating income.

Long story short ... wow, I'm surprised I survived, to a degree.

I'll write about it more for Latino Rebels, I think.

That said, I also want to talk about how I'm planning to use the money ...

Financial Set-up
Follow the Personal Finance Prime Directive. That said ... paycheck gets direct deposited into 1 of 3 banks. Wings Financial Savings Account AMEX HYSA (High-Yield Savings Account) Chase Checking Account There being about $11,000 of debt on a 0% credit card with Wings. The HYSA is just the best p…

Oh yea, ok ... so ... job.

It's full-time, and the idea is that I'll remain a web-developer 1 until I get my bachelor's degree; at which time I'll be reclassified to web-developer 2, and receive a pay increase.

Back-up a bit more ... I've been at the job for over 6 months by now; I feel safe.

While my conversation with my co-workers is incredibly personal and compounds my feelings of safety; I'm very thankful.

And this gives me an opportunity to actually look at save some serious money.

I don't like capitalism; but it is the system that's at play.

And so the question becomes, how can it best be gamed for the community's benefit?

And that starts off with individuals being able to take care of themselves, both in the present, and with an eye for the future ...

While through our products, I hope to enable others to access sustainable and respectful compensation for their efforts as well. Ourselves providing materials that share knowledge enabling others to do so more efficiently ... being the idea.