The Ambitious Violet

4 min read
By Khalil Gibran

There was a nice and aromatic violet that lived quietly among her friends and moved happily between the other flowers, in a lonely garden. One morning, when her crown was decorated with raindrops, she raised her head and looked around. She saw a tall and nice rose standing proudly and reaching high to space, like a flamed torch on a lamp of emerald.

The violet opened her light-blue lips and said: “How unfortunate am i among those flowers and how humble is the position that i have in front of them! Nature created me to be short and poor… I live very close to the earth and i can't raise my head to the blue sky or bend my face towards the sun, as the rose does”.

And the rose listened to the words of her neighbor. She laughed and commented: “How strange is your talk! You are lucky, and yet you can't understand your fortune. Nature gave you aroma and beauty that was never given to any other flower. Throw these thoughts and be content, and remember that whoever humbles the self, will rise and whoever exalts the self will crush”.

The violet responded: “You console me because you have what i ache for… You want to bitter me in the sense that you are great… How painful is the preaching of the fortunate, in the heart of the miserable! And how strict is the strong when he is the councilor of the weak”.
And Nature heard the dialogue of the violet with the rose, approached and said: “What happened, my daughter violet? You had been humble and sweet in all your actions and words. Did Greed enter your heart and paralyzed your senses?”.

With a begging voice, the violet answered saying: “Great and gracious mother, full of love and compassion, please, with all my heart and soul, make me the favour and let me be a rose for a day”. And Nature replied: “You don't know what you are asking for. You don't conceive the hidden disaster behind your blind ambition. If you were a rose you would regret and the regret wouldnt be beneficial in anything”. The violet insisted: “Make me a tall rose, because i want to raise my head high with pride. And regardless of my luck, it will be my own fault”.

Nature backed down, saying: “Oh, naive and unbowed violet, i will do your favour. But if a calamity strikes you, your complaint should be directed upon you”.
And Nature extended its mysterious and magical fingers and touched the roots of the violet, who immediately became a high rose, and soared above all the flowers of the garden.

In the evening, the sky was filled with dense black clouds and the furious elements agitated the silence of existence with thunders, which started hitting the garden, catapulting great rain and strong winds. The storm aced the birches, unrooted the plants and broke the stems of the strong flowers, leaving intact only the small flowers that blossomed close to the friendly earth. That lonely garden suffered greatly from the hostile sky and when the tempest calmed and the sky cleared, all the plants got destroyed and none of them escaped the wrath of Nature, except those little violets that were hidden close to the wall of the garden.

After raising her head and saw the tragedy of the flowers and the trees, one of the young violets smiled happily and said to her companions: “Look what the storm did to the proud flowers!”.
Another violet said: “We are small and living close to the Earth, but we are safe from the wrath of the heavens”.
A third one added: “Due to our shortness, the storm cannot succumb us”.

That moment the queen of the violets saw next to her the changed violet, thrown on earth from the storm and deformed on top of the wet grass like a weak soldier on the battlefield. The queen of the violets rose her head and called her family, telling her: “Look, my daughters and think what Greed made to the violet that became a proud rose for one hour. The memory of this scene may be a reminder of your good fortune”.

The dying rose moved, assembled the remnants of her power and said quietly: “You are satisfied and obedient fools! I was never afraid of the storm. Yesterday, i, as well, was satisfied and happy with Life, but Satisfaction acted as an obstacle between my existence and the storm of Life, which constrained me in a sick and lazy bliss and peace of spirit. I could ask the same life you live now, by sticking because of fear to the earth… I could wait for the winter to bundle me in snow and surrender me to Charon, who will certainly take all violets… I am glad now because i explored outside my little world the secret of the Universe -something you haven't done yet. I could ignore Greed, whose nature is superior than mine, but as i was attending the silence of the night, i heard the heavenly world talking to the earthly world, saying: “Ambition beyond existence, is the basic purpose of our life”. That moment my spirit revolted and my heart ached for a place higher than my restrained existence. I understood that the abyss can't listen the song of the start, and that moment i started fighting against my smalldom and ache for what didn't belong to me, until my unbowedness became great strength and my aching creative will… Nature, who is the great object of our deepest dreams, satisfied my request and made me a rose with her magic fingers”.

The rose silenced for a moment and with a weak voice, filled with pride and achievement, said: “I lived one hour a proud rose. I was for a time like a queen. I looked the Universe from the eyes of a rose. I listened the whisper of the skies with the ears of the rose and touched the fold of the dress of the Light, with rose petals. Is anyone here, who can claim this honour?”.

Having spoken like that, lowered its head and with a weak voice said gasping: “I will die now, because my soul achieved its goal. Finally, i extended my knowledge to a world far from the cave of my birth. This is the plan of Life… This is the secret of Existence”.
Then the rose started dreading, folded slowly its petals, and took its last breath with a sky smile on its lips…

A smile of accomplishment, hope and purpose of Life…

A victorious smile, a smile of God