On the Road Again ...

I'm moving this week, into a place that is ... nice, washer/dryer in the apartment.

This past Saturday one of my roommates threatened to call the police ... I'm glad to be moving, to say the least.

Alright, but WAY more than that, this Friday I'll also be giving the inaugural presentation of Manifesting Empathy!

We also had our second, or third, practice ... hopefully going to have a show early October; then I'll be off to Colombia for a few weeks.

Alright, quick round-up; as this is a digest style post:

Thoughts about a beer that cost $18 and graduating, might be a bit rambling, but does have some new music:

The $18 Beer
Totally forgot to mention ... I was over there to see a friend play a show ... and well ... I got to play a few songs myself! Solid reception from some people who I didn’t know, and who didn’t know me; which is always super cool! I posted a new song, a

Here's the intro text for the Drupal presentation this Friday on Diversity and Psychological Safety:

TC Drupal Camp
You are all leaders; in your families and your communities. You are responsible for helping others do and be better, not just for themselves, but for collective growth and well-being.

The intro text for DigiSnaxx is up, along with the website; I've got some updates to make, slowly, but surely – really excited about being able to present it over Twin Cities Startup Week 😄

About the Ads – it’s just a placeholder for now…

There have been some changes to the subscriptions; as I'm going to start trying to write more, seriously ... I know, I keep saying that ... but now I have the time, and am near having better space.

Free subscriptions get access to basic updates; $10 & $50 subscriptions get access to special offers and beta access to new creations. All upper level subscriptions are for investors, DigiSnaxx advertisers, or club membership.

Everyone is available to advance without paying a penny via the Discord community.

The aspiration is to over-employ myself, though do so through my own vehicles, rather than working for anyone else. Or rather working with my community; and offload work I can't do to others in the community.

That said, I'll have some mochilas for sale, along with a few other products I hope; to kick off Comuna Colombia soon. Welp, also just got the domain Pueblo-Andino.com ... jaja

But seriously, I talked to my mom and uncle today; yesterday I bought the domain CafeAbuelita.com ... Grandma's Coffee – I'll be bringing in the first batch this October 😄 Along with some mochilas and panela I presume.

Alright, I'm gonna wrap this one up and send it out in the morning.

Hope y 'all are well, peace and power to ya ~
