Manifesting Empathy

3 min read
The Investment Club
Manifesting Empathy

We meet weekly; we invest small dollar and know that there are big returns to be had.

We work across borders and demographics.

We know that our individual goodness and positivity sends ripples of wonder and joy into the world around us; and this is why we do what we do, and seek to learn how to do it better.

First off, empathy ... while not exactly a myth, but ... once we name a thing, a part of it, if not the whole of it, dies.

To have empathy is to be able to continually re-evaluate one's perspective and possible biases.

And to understand, overstand, side-stand, innerstand, outerstand as well as non-stand the need for this.

The question is, how does one even begin?

The Answer

Look at your life through a series of age brackets:

0 to 5 // 5 to 12 // 12 to 18 // 18 to 25,

25 to 35 // 35 to 50 // 50 to 70 and beyond.

See all of your selves through these phases.

Your Physical, Mental, Emotional, Financial & Spiritual selves.

What are/were the APOCs for each personal epoch?

Achievements, Pitfalls, Opportunities & Challenges.

Know thyself; or perhaps better ...

Know your limits to break your limits.

This is how you start.

While another variance of this is relayed in The Lemonade Stand:

The Lemonade Stand
keep it silly simple

The Investment Club

As an investment club, we also have a portfolio which most immediately includes DreamFreely products such as DigiSnaxx, idioke and a few other endeavors.

The club guides these projects, and advises on future investments as well.

One thousand USD dollars per month is spent on my living expenses; the remainder is re-invested back into the work.

This includes contracting additional labor or administrative support, paying for infrastructure and/or additional needs of the organization.

All of which is relayed monthly email updates.

We meet weekly to talk about whatever is top of mind.

Members receive weekly portfolio updates and begins at $25 dollars per month to attend weekly meetings.

DreamFreely | Canin Carlos
Echoes of an existence beyond the pixels

MEIC Monthly Membership

A one-year probationary membership is $95 per month, and begins one's formal application; in which you will meet with me for at least 30 minutes each month to discuss your diversity journey.

Upon completion of your first year, you may become eligible to be a named investor, of which there are 40 spaces, and requires an additional payment to complete the $6,000 investment.

As a named investor, you will be given a complimentary membership to the mailing-list; along with an active-member mailing-list for additional information and programming opportunities. You will meet with me for at least one hour each month; while we will have optional private weekly meetings as a collective.

After four years of being a named investor you may graduate, and be granted the opportunity to invest further into the DreamFreely portfolio. You may also choose to continue compounding your investment, or withdraw for a comfortable return.