Manifesting Empathy

You get a tool, a lens, a structure, a mechanism ... that you can apply to any and all situations of diversity, and begin deciphering how best to move forward.

This isn't about shame, or guilt; but about doing the very difficult, courageous and galvanizing work of rooting our own identities in sustainable truths that free us.
MEFAC - Only Every Friday
It’s a place to start ... The Manifesting Empathy Friday Afternoon Club. A mastermind focused on diversity, technology and innovation hosted by yours truly, Canin Carlos. The room will open at 11:45am US CST every Friday, and will close at approximately 1:30pm. Five seats available. They say eight is

Because what is the ROI on diversity?

We've all heard the rhetoric ... which amounts to increase your target market and achieve deeper market penetration in said market.

Though we've also heard about organic versus artificial growth. And if you're reading this, I'm willing to bet you understand the benefits of the former over the latter.

Though the question remains, how? How does one actually achieve the acclaimed Return on the Investment in diversity?

Granted, large companies have done the marketing, it would seem, and are betting on discrimination not being where the money is going.

But if you don't have marketshare, or aren't a monolithic conglomerate ... how are you able to navigate the cultural currents, establish a foundation and sustainably share and enjoy the benefits of a globalizing world?

The Foundation

I've identified four components, for which we will map your personal terrain, help you identify achievable goals, define a path to achieving those goals, and then accompany you to begin navigating the journey.

You will receive tangible tools that you will practice using, and that you will be able to apply beyond the course, to continue progressing in your life and world.

The Modules

We go through four modules (sexism, racism, able-ism & power dynamics), each section building upon the one before it.

We will be discussing not just what each of these are and how they have shaped our modern world. We will talk about how to confront these conversations in our own families, communities and institutions.

The Work

Concurrent to the modules each week will also have an associated personal task that pertains to your own goals and development. The purpose of conversation is to apply these learning to how we navigate and live our individual lives.

The outcome is for you to have a more focused comprehension of your own abilities, arena and aspirations. As well as a plan, and practice following that plan, for how you will not just achieve these goals, how you will set new ones in their place once they have been achieved.

Manifesting Empathy is a four-week course for cohorts of four participants. Each week is composed of the following schedule:

  • Monday: a video & audio segment will be sent to introduce the topic for the week, and to introduce the week's personal task.
  • Tuesday: a class will take place to formally present various aspects of the weekly topic, followed by conversation.
  • Wednesday: a video & audio segment will be sent for reflection on the week's topic, this is an ideal day to schedule your 1:1.
  • Thursday: we will have a general conversation about the week's topic.

Each participant will also be able to schedule weekly 1-on-1's with Canin; this will be time to discuss your personal goals and progress.

Applications are completed via Calendly, there is an application fee; and a cohort cost of $350. Cohorts follow our seasonal schedule with nine cohorts each year.

About Canin Carlos

Adopted into an adverse cultural situation, I was educated by one of Minnesota's premier "Traditional" (/ public) schools, and eventually graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor's of Individualized Studies combining Economics, Statistics and Communications.

This course is a reflection of the tools I used to navigate my own world as a brown indigenous orphan bastard in reunion with his family, land and community.