Human Trafficking & the Economy

When I was about 5 or 6 years old, I wrote my first essay for school; and in it we were asked to write about what our three wished would be.

I can't remember who my teacher was at the time ... but damn.

The first wish was to find my sister, the second wish was to find my mother; the third wish was for after all of that.

But when I said this to the woman who bought me, nothing happened.

It was a cute story, from a mentally/emotionally incomplete ... animal, like a stray dog that you deign to feed and shelter.

Until they were old enough to breed, and be a good stud.

The moment that the woman who bought me decided to sign a legal document that enabled her to see my child, against my wishes.

That is the moment that my child became a victim of human trafficking.

And that is where that part of the stories, begin.

I am a product of human trafficking, and everyone who just stood-by and did nothing is complicit.

They want to say that because I got such-and-such education, or had such-and-such experience, that it justifies the neglect.

When the only thing that makes any of it worth it, is to be able to share my love and my joy with my mother, now that I have found her.

And that makes a lot of other people look really ... not healthy.

I wasn't supposed to survive; and there are still people who think that they can tell me what's best for me, or what I need to do!

It's not that I'm unwilling to listen, but are people listening to themselves?

There are people who made it more difficult for me to live; when they had an excess of blessings, and said that they cared about me.

There are physiological consequences for this trauma ... and this trauma is incredibly complex.

Physical, through physical neglect.

Emotional, gaslighting me about my child.

Mental, gaslighting me about my life.

Spiritual, the creature that bought me once said to me, "The reason you're having such struggle is because you're running from God, and he's chasing you."

Another individual I once went to for help was heard to say that, if you went through Catholic communion, you can be a warrior for God.

Implying that those of us who aren't Catholic, can never be equal to them ... in the eyes of our collective Lord and Savior.

These are the people who sent their children to Orono Schools in the late 1980's and 1990's.

It hasn't gotten any better either.

And that is a fact.

The sense of ownership and entitlement with others is how our economy is run ... very few are able to escape, not the rat race, but the rat cage.

And ultimately this affects the efficiency by which the economy is run.

Some people complain that the planet if overpopulated; and if that is your concern, you need not be concerned, because projections have population declining considerably.

People always talk about innovation, and the need for progress.

Only free people can innovate, because only free people are truly able to imagine anything beyond what is currently known/experienced.

A caged people will never be able to innovate.

And yet, we continually attempt to put each other into boxes.

Then expecting each other to perform at peak capacity, doing what we tell them to do; and often times explicitly telling them not to do what they think to do.

That's not healthy.