The idea: I make videos with people who are hiring, and ask them what they are looking for. They pay me for this content, that I give to them, and broadcast on my own networks.
Which includes listing their job on DigiSnaxx.
Content-wise clients receive the following:
- 3 pieces of micro-content (<1 minute)
- 2 pieces of short-form content (3-5 minutes)
Additionally, we will create 1 piece of long-form content (8+ minutes); that will be broadcast on the DigiSnaxx YouTube Channel as well.
My own video editing experience started in the mid-2000's; editing will actually be done by Melanco and Ramon from Doble L Records, and supervised by Caleb the Balebarian.
$450 for jobs that only require an internet connection, and no on-site filming.
$1250 for jobs that require on-site filming.
$45 Screening / Application Fee.
We're also open to larger productions with corporations hiring mechanics and other trades-people.
Filming will be done on a Canon EOS R50 Camera.